Comparative Study Between Fibrin Glue Prepared from a Single Human Donor and Sutures for Sealing Induced Corneal Penetrating Wounds on Porcine Eyes
Anne Marie Macasaet, MD, Raymond Nelson Regalado, MD, Irwin Cua, MD
Objective: To determine the ef cacy of brin glue derived from a single human donor for sealing induced penetrating corneal wounds on cadaveric porcine eyes compared to conventional suturing.
Methods: Forty (40) porcine eyes were randomized into two groups. In the experimental group, the corneal incisions were sealed using brin glue prepared from a single human donor. Eyes in the control group were sealed using two interrupted nylon 10-0 sutures. Baseline intraocular pressures were obtained and an anterior chamber maintainer connected to the Centurion Vision System was inserted through a side port. A 3 mm metal keratome was used to create a uniform, central, full-thickness straight incision in all eyes. After making the incision, the presence or absence of leakage was determined using Seidel’s test. The eyes were then sealed according to the group they were randomized in. The intraocular pressure (IOP) was gradually increased using the Centurion Vision System to determine the leakage pressure of all sealed eyes in both groups. br/>
Results: The mean baseline IOP was comparable between the two groups (control group = 21.15 + 1.66 mmHg; experimental group = 21.65 + 1.81, p value = 0.299). All eyes in the control group, showed no leakage immediately after sealing the corneal wounds with sutures. One out of twenty eyes in the experimental group was positive for leakage after application of the brin glue (p value = 0.5). The mean leakage pressure was signi cantly higher for the suture group at 90.25 + 14.9 mmHg compared to the brin glue group at 32.30 + 7.6 mmHg (p value = <0.001).
Conclusion: Fibrin glue prepared from a single donor is comparable to two nylon 10-0 sutures in sealing 3 mm corneal penetrating wounds at IOP of up to 32 mmHg. For higher IOP, nylon 10-0 suture is more effective than brin glue in sealing the corneal penetrating wounds in cadaveric porcine eyes.
Keywords: Corneal lacerations, corneal penetrating injury, corneal perforations, autologous brin glue, brin glue, tissue adhesives