Vol 32 No 1 Review PDF

Evolving techniques in orbital decompression of thyroid orbitopathy

Manuel O. Palmero, MD, Mark J. Lucarelli, MD

To review recent advances in orbital decompression reported in recent literature.

A review of literature regarding orbital decompression published in English was performed. Special attention was given to articles published from 2000 to 2005. These were analyzed along with several earlier important papers on orbital decompression.

Techniques in orbital decompression have continued to evolve through the years. Orbital decompression in the setting of Graves’ orbitopathy is generally indicated for reversal of proptosis complicated by corneal exposure, compressive optic neuropathy, orbital congestion, and increasingly, for disfiguring proptosis. Advances in technique are mainly in the category of incision placement, selection of walls for decompression, and prevention of new-onset diplopia.

Techniques in orbital decompression continue to evolve. Significant changes have occurred over the last decade in the indications for decompression, the incisions used to gain access, and the bony surfaces selected for removal.

Keywords: Thyroid orbitopathy, Exophthalmos, Orbital decompression